Title: A Deep Dive into the April Wave Release for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Date: Friday 9th May
Time: 10 am to 11 am
Where: Online, Microsoft Teams
Join us for an in-depth webinar exploring the exciting updates and enhancements introduced in the April Wave Release for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Building on our earlier release preview webinar, this session will take a closer look at the new features and capabilities now available, providing practical insights on how they can drive efficiency and growth for your business.
This webinar goes beyond the highlights, offering a detailed exploration of the release and how to make the most of its innovations. Whether it’s advanced tools, process optimisation, or enhanced functionality, we’ll help you unlock the full potential of Business Central’s latest updates.
If you’re ready to dive deeper into what the April release has to offer and gain actionable guidance tailored to your needs, this session is for you. Don’t miss the chance to learn how to harness these updates to transform your operations!