Embracing Change: mhance’s Journey Towards Customer Success

Authored by Matt Evans-Peace
Chief Customer Officer

Over the years at mhance, we’ve had the pleasure of attending and hosting numerous in-person events across the UK and Ireland, as well as venturing overseas throughout Europe. More recently, our journey took us to the US, thanks to our nomination as the 2023 Global Nonprofit Partner of the Year. Despite the physical challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve always found that meeting and conversing with people remains the most enjoyable and effective method of communication, even for a technology-focused company like ours. This approach has enabled us to connect with individuals from diverse business sectors and discuss a variety of solutions.

As we’ve highlighted in previous posts, our services revolve around deploying Microsoft solutions to help organisations achieve more, move faster, and meet their objectives.

However, we are noticing a shift in the industry we operate in. The number of providers is steadily increasing, with partners like ourselves adopting models that allow for cross-border delivery. For customers, this means a wider range of options. Purchasing a Microsoft product or solution has become simple and straightforward, often requiring little more than the ‘push of a few buttons’ to get started.

That said, we are witnessing a significant rise in enquiries at events regarding our ongoing services, levels of support, and a general sentiment that customers feel ‘left’ with the initially deployed solution. In today’s modern SaaS world, it’s no longer enough to implement IT solutions and expect them to remain static. Customers seek robust solutions backed by proactive partners who can assist in managing continuous change and improvement. This is why mhance is evolving our approach to focus on Customer Success—a movement that is well and truly underway. We’re excited to share more about this in the coming months. Our support levels have always been impressive, and now, by combining this with additional offerings, we aim to help customers fully embrace the technology platform they’ve invested in. This clear signal of intent shows our commitment to helping our customers achieve their objectives, and we can’t wait to share more details with you soon.

In the meantime, we encourage you to reflect on how supported you truly feel in your journey towards success. Should you wish to explore how our expertise can benefit you, please reach out to our team.